Kathy Reiner Martin: For Baltimore County Council 5th District - It's Time for Change
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Kathy Reiner Martin Announces Campaign for the Baltimore County Council 5th District Seat

03.06.06 - Kathy Reiner Martin will announce her campaign for the Baltimore County Council 5th District on March 6, 2006. This event will take place at Bill Bateman's Restaurant at North Plaza Mall, 8810 Waltham Woods Road, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Kathy Reiner Martin believes that it’s time for change in the 5th District. To work for a stronger community as your new 5th District Councilperson, she will:
  • Actively listen and advocate for the needs of our 5th District community;
  • Redefine community, giving everyone a voice. Residents, business people, municipal workers, and elected officials will all be invited to the table to work together to build stronger neighborhoods;
  • Actively engage our community and business leaders, meeting regularly in open forums to bring to light the strengths and the challenges of the 5th District;
  • Meet regularly with all groups of constituents in open processes to foster and advance dialogue regarding the needs and future vision of the communities of the 5th district and the overall county;
  • Actively work to develop community plans that become the road map for protection, restoration, development of our communities along with appropriate legislation;
  • Actively pursue implementation of plans side-by-side with the real stakeholders – our community members; and
  • Bring tested organizing, technical and personal skills to the table, committing to building consensus across the many segments of our 5th District.

Kathy Reiner Martin is a graduate of Perry Hall High School and the University of Delaware. She was the first female engineer hired by AAI Corporation and is currently employed as a systems analyst for the University of Maryland’s School of Dentistry.

Mrs. Martin is married and the mother of two children. Her activities in the community include active membership in the PTA and the Perry Hall Improvement Association. Additionally, she has been active in Save Our Streams and she was honored by the Baltimore County Department of Environment Protection and Resource Management as the Volunteer Citizen of the Year for Stream Restoration.

Kathy Reiner Martin is an active member of the Camp Chapel United Methodist Church and currently serves as the Chairperson of the Outreach Committee. With her leadership, the church has become an important of part of the CANOES Homeless Shelter in Rosedale.

Determined, energetic, hardworking, committed – these are the words her colleagues and friends use to describe her. It is time to send Kathy Reiner Martin to the Baltimore County Council where she can provide the citizens of the 5th District with the commitment and hard work she has shown through her many volunteer activities.

It is time for change. Kathy Reiner Martin will bring change to the Baltimore County Council.


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Authority: Friends of Kathy Reiner Martin, Michael P. Paradis, Treasurer