Through her volunteer efforts with church, school, community and environmental
groups, Kathy Reiner Martin has developed a reputation as a listener, an advocate and
a leader.
Kathy uses her
experiences and keen analytical skills to educate and motivate
individuals and groups for positive change. She has a proven track
record of bringing groups to consensus while inspiring them to succeed.
Early Life
Kathy is a
lifelong east Baltimore County resident who has been active in each of
the communities where she has lived. She graduated from Perry Hall High
School in 1972 and earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and
Statistics from the University of Delaware in 1976. She was then hired
as the first woman engineering professional at AAI Corporation in Hunt
Valley, Maryland.
In the Workplace
Kathy now works as
a senior systems analyst at the University of Maryland Dental School,
where she recently received the Employee of the Year award for
2003-2004. She was previously recognized by the University of Maryland
in 2002 when her long history of volunteer work earned her the Board of
Regents Staff Award for extraordinary public service.
Volunteer Work - Church
As an active
member of Camp Chapel United Methodist Church since 1996, Kathy has
taught Sunday School classes, served as Sunday School superintendent
and chaired the nurture committee, instituting new fellowship,
educational and outreach ministries with her team.
Currently chairing
the Outreach committee, Kathy has led and facilitated a variety of
projects, including organizing 80 community members to serve four
nights each month at CANOES Homeless Shelter in Rosedale.
Through her work
with the CANOES Homeless Shelter, Kathy has become active in Baltimore
County Communities for the Homeless (BCCH), United Methodist Baltimore
Washington Conference-Wide Service Committee and the Perry Hall
Ministerium. She also participates in the Homeless and Affordable
Housing Roundtables.
Volunteer Work - Schools
Kathy and her
husband of 30 years, Frank, have raised two children. Pamela, age 24,
is a graduate of Perry Hall High School and American University and now
works as a Web Project Manager in Los Angeles, CA. Brian, age 15, is active
in Boy Scout Troop 433 and the Camp Chapel Youth Group.
Kathy has been
continuously active in school and PTA activities at Perry Hall Middle
School, Perry Hall High School, Heritage Montessori School and the
Friends School of Baltimore.
Working with the
parents and school administration of Heritage Montessori and the
Baltimore County PTA, she helped form the first PTA at a non-public
school in Baltimore County. During the 2004-2005 school year at
Friends, she organized two successful volunteer days for the
construction of Reef Balls – an aquatic habitat that is planted
yearly in the Chesapeake Bay.
Volunteer Work - Environment
For over three
decades, Kathy was active with Save Our Streams, serving as a board
member and president. During that time, Kathy led campaigns with other
community leaders to reduce pollution and protect, preserve and restore
neighborhood streams.
In 2001, the
Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Resource
Management (DEPRM) named Kathy the Volunteer Citizen of the Year for
Stream Restoration.
Volunteer Work - Community
Kathy moved from
Carney to Perry Hall in 1989. She was an active member in local
community associations in both neighborhoods and has served on the
board of the Perry Hall Improvement Association.
Kathy regularly
participates in fundraisers for various charities, including the
Maryland MS Society. She attributes her penchant for community
involvement to her parents, Ray and Vera Reiner, who have worked
frequently as community leaders with the county government.
Kathy at Play
Kathy spends much
of her spare time in the summer sailing, kayaking and eating crabs on
the Gunpowder River where she grew up. She also enjoys going to see
shows at the Hippodrome and concerts at the BSO, as well as gardening,
hosting family and friends and reading non-fiction books.
Kathy is working to:
- Build stronger communities
- Encourage practical, smart growth
- Relieve school overcrowding